Month: May 2014

Termination of Non-Contributory Parent and ‘Other Family’ visas

The Australian Federal Government has announced a cessation of new applications for Non-Contributory Parent and ‘Other Family’ visas under the family migration program. The termination will affect the following visa subclasses:

  • Parent (subclass 103)
  • Aged Parent (subclass 804)
  • Aged Dependent Relative (114)
  • Remaining Relative (115)
  • Carer (116)
  • Remaining Relative (835)
  • Carer (836)
  • Aged Dependent Relative (838).

The cessation of the above subclasses is expected to come into effect before or at the end of the current financial
year. Notably, visa applications for Non-Contributory Parent and ‘Other Family’ visas can still be lodged. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has provided the following advice:

“Applications can still validly be lodged. All valid applications will remain in the pipeline and be processed in due course. The cessation of new applications under the Other Family and Non-Contributory Parent visas will take place prior to the start of the 2014-15 programme year.” 

Therefore any applications for the above visa subclasses should be lodged as a matter of urgency.

Please contact us for further information regarding Non-Contributory Parent and ‘Other Family’ visas.


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